Electro Dermal Screening
The Basics of EDS and How It Can Benefit You
Electro Dermal Screening or EDS is a mainstay of holistic practitioners.

It is a way to fine tune nutritional supplement, homeopathic, and natural health protocols with a great deal of precision. EDS was developed in Germany through the work of German physician Doctor Reinhold Voll almost 50 years ago. Thus it is also sometimes referred to as Electro Acupuncture Voll or EAV. EAV has not been embraced by American Pharmaceutical medicine because it is a fairly inexpensive modality and thus not very profitable, therefore most American have never heard about it. You may be one of these people who know little about it. But despite this neglect by the profit driven American medical system, Electro Dermal Screening has been quietly developing as highly effective modality. This has come about through the constant efforts of holistic practitioners using EDS to get better results from these modalities, as well as rapid advances in electronics, and the extreme competition between the dozen or so Electro Dermal Screening equipment manufacturers to build a better machine. But before discussing modern EDS advancements, let’s go back to the beginning.
How did he discover where the points were?
Back in his day Voll ended up with 1000’s of test vials that could be tested one by one on each patient. It was truly a unique system he was creating. One does not attain what Voll did without a measure of obsessiveness, above average intelligence, and a bit of eccentricity. Although called a quack by mainstream American medicine, (quick definition of Quack in America: Anyone who threatens pharmaceutical dollars), the Government of Germany disagreed, awarding him the distinguished Federal Cross of Merit award in 1979 for his work.

Fast forward to modern times

The ZYTO and ASYRA Electro Dermal Screening machines
Two cutting edge tools for holistic health when properly used
Many of our clients are extremely well read and knowledgeable. People take note when they have an EDS scan that highly correlates with their symptoms and illness, and thereafter begin taking natural remedies that are genuinely improving their sense of well being. It is a pleasure to see people react positively as they realize that they are getting a thorough and comprehensive scan that makes sense to them, and to return for follow-up appointments excited with the results they are seeing.
How we use both the ASYRA and ZYTO for your EDS evaluation
Your ASYRA scan
A Nosode is a homeopathic remedy made from the disease causing substance. In the case of toxins, a nosode is a homeopathic remedy made from the toxin, thus following the original homeopathic principle of like-cures-like. They contain the energetic resonance of the toxin that is burdening down your body, not the actual toxin. The ASYRA both energetically scans for these toxins and allows the practitioner to also imprint the needed homeopathic remedies from the test plate.
The ASYRA is also used to energetically identify issues such as hormonal, neurotransmitter, structural problems, miasms (or familial tendency toward disease), and critical issues such as focal organ toxicity, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system switching (likely due to adrenal exhaustion), dehydration and mineral deficiency, and many other things. This is, as stated an energetic analysis of said issues, but very useful in creating non-toxic, natural homeopathic, supplement, and cleansing protocols to address these things. The results people report from doing an EDS scan for toxins and then following up with a Laser Energetic Detox session show this to be one of our most effective natural therapies.
As a client sitting for an appointment, you could expect that the ASYRA would also be used to look for the energetic resonance of food and phenolic allergies, inhalant allergies (dust, mold, pollens, fabrics, etc). We would also test any one of a variety of categories of infection such as bacteria, Lyme disease and co-infections, protozoan or larger parasites, yeast and fungi, and viruses.
Once all the ASYRA scans are done highly individualized homeopathic imprints will be made for you. Because of the complexities of the different scans that are done, it is virtually impossible for two people to ever get the exact same homeopathic drops. What you receive is precisely for you.
Your ZYTO scan
If you come in for a full evaluation the ZYTO would be used as the primary tool for determining which nutritional supplement protocol would support your health best. Currently, (Spring 2014) I use it in the following way:
With your hand on the hand cradle it first measures your baseline energy or impedance.
The 2nd step once the baseline is doing an energetic baseline organ stress level. This scan also looks for stressors in the Chinese meridians, dental meridians, and for other potential things blocking energy.
For the 3rd step, once the ZYTO energetically determines what is out of balance, I would then scan you for anywhere from 500 to 2500 different therapeutic nutritional supplements, homeopathics, and all natural products of every kind.

This 3rd step in the process narrows the large amount of supplements tested down to just the ones that balanced your body’s energy system, thereby eliminating about ¾ of the products as non-beneficial.

What to expect when you come in
With a new person who has scheduled an evaluation that allows enough needed time, all the above mentioned things will be done as well as various others things not mentioned here. Regardless of the scans run and the data created it is our goal to create manageable natural health protocols; ones that can be completed over a two month period, even by individuals who work or have other responsibilities. No these protocols are not always simple, but human health and chronic illness is not simple. Illnesses are complex and multifactoral. You must unload the body in a methodical and logical fashion and our goal at NHS is to create natural health protocols that do this. We get consistently good feedback from the individuals who follow them; people who are inconsistent and forget to do their protocol, not so much (good feedback). The good news is many of those who visit our office fighting difficult health challenges have already tried easy. They are now looking for something that works. Of course people in relatively good health seek NHS of AZ services as well. They just want to do prevention and use this modality as part of a healthy lifestyle. These folks do well with much simpler natural protocols. It is the nature of things. If you are not sick, you don’t have to fight very hard to gain optimal health, if you are ill, it is harder. But people are wise in valuing health although not having had the experience of having lost it. If you have never experienced the uniquely powerful benefits of EDS, feel free to schedule your 1st appointment today.
People with little or no training who buy an EDS device and hang out a shingle a week later do not do justice to the benefits of this modality. Some unscrupulous individuals with little knowledge of human health and only rudimentary knowledge of natural medicine are using them. It takes a background of years of holistic training and schooling, and specific training on the EDS devices being used for any real benefit. Beware of working with someone who has no training. Just do your homework. Someone with no training and experience won’t tell you they have no training and experience.
*Please note that this change in a person’s electrical resistance is not a diagnosis of a specific allergy or infection. The principle is that these EDS devices output the energetic frequency or resonance of a specific allergen or infection. If one gets a hit, or a negative change in energy, this can indicate energetically that the body recognizes this as a harmful microbe of substance. These results are then used to create homeopathic remedies to support healing. One explanation of how a homeopathic nosode of an infection can stimulate healing of a chronic infection is that by putting a lot of the energy or resonance of a pathogenic infection into the body, you give the body a wake-up call and stimulate the immune system to work more aggressively to get rid of it. While these are not a precise diagnosis or treatment of an infection, neither the scan nor the homeopathic drops cause harm so why not use them? These methods have been used effectively for infection for more than two centuries. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the originator of Homeopathy, even used this method to drastically reduce deaths from the Cholera that French troops were suffering after Napoleon called him to the front line and requested his help. He took some of the Cholera parasites from the French soldiers dysentery induced diarrhea and used it to make a homeopathic Cholera nosode using his now well known dilute and succuss methods. From Hahnemann’s time homeopathy spread throughout the Western world as a viable alternative to the purging, bleeding, and use of toxic metal based medicines that the heroic medicine doctors of his day were using. But early in the 20th century Homeopathy came under attack by the American medical establishment and was suppressed thereafter. This had nothing to do with its efficacy but was done for purely economic motives. Thus, while homeopathy is used extensively in other countries (the Queen of England has a homeopathic doctor), it is only recently making a comeback in the U.S. due in part to the Internet and the inability of powerful economic and corporate interests to control information here in the U.S. as has been the case in the past. While homeopathic nosodes for infection have shown clinical results, including double blind placebo controlled studies done in other countries, they are not a substitute for proper medications or other interventions for dangerous or life threatening infections.
*Natural Health Sciences of Arizona maintains accounts with a variety of nutritional supplement companies that provide products primarily to holistic health care practitioners. It is important to use companies that use pharmaceutical grade nutrients and strict product quality control when it comes to contaminates. Currently the companies that we work with provide over 15,000 products that we choose from in creating supplement protocols. When you come in for a scan, I will scan you for products from whatever specific combination of supplement companies best suits your needs.
All wishing to schedule an appointment with Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC. (Jack Miller) are required to become members of Desert Paths Natural Wellness Association. To become a member, please go here: DPNWA.org
Jack Miller CTN does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment through this Website. The purpose of this digital publication is to explore current research and discussions of holistic natural therapies and healthy lifestyle factors that are typically not discussed in the realm of modern allopathic medicine. The content of this Digital Publication, such as text, graphics, images, and other material has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this digital publication. If you schedule an appointment with Jack Miller you will be given natural therapies and supplements to support your healing, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment.