In chronic illness you can have multiple chronic infections that are producing biotoxin/endotoxins around the clock. You can have accumulation of toxic metals or chemicals, and an overproduction of ammonia, and many different toxins from a bowel with altered flora....
#hearthealth #health As a traditional naturopathic practitioner many people who come to see me have already chosen to discontinue many of their meds against doctor’s orders. While I do not advocate that, I do believe that the ability to choose whether or not to use...
#detox The LED protocol is really the culmination of years of clinical observation with homeopathy, natural detox, and homeopathic sarcode use by Lee Cowden M.D. and others. It is truly a cutting edge, perfected, natural detox protocol. Various herbal and nutritional...
#LymeDisease In the summer of 2013 I had the privilege to give a presentation as a Naturopathic practitioner at the Integrative Lyme Solutions conference in Dallas with Lee Cowden and other top holistic Lyme practitioners. I presented 6 case studies of...
#lymedisease Lyme disease, co-infections and all the associated health problems are completely reversible with natural medicine. There are natural products and therapies available now that kill the bugs with great effectiveness without wrecking your gut, and...
#ADHD The human brain is the most complex known structure in the Universe. To assume a single stimulant med will “fix” one’s brain is not realistic and of course there are potential side effects. If you are dealing with Attention Deficit what are some things that you...
Unlike chemicals (another health threat to the modern human), toxic metals do not degrade. They don’t break down. That’s because once inside the body the molecular bonds of man made chemicals such as pesticides will eventually break down into their basic atomic...
#LymeDisease Some highlights from a conversation I had with Lee Cowden MD. ALWAYS D/C your natural anti Lyme products or ABX every other weekend for 36 to 48 hours. Otherwise the cysts never convert and you continue loaded with them. Also a tidbit regarding terrain....
#Fibromyalgia Do you know what isn’t bad news? Addressing the root causes and making a full recovery! But some don’t even try because they are told it is not even a real illness. Just you whining about some pain with no real cause. No real cause? So your...
#LymeDisease People with Lyme disease often test positive for KPU or kryptopyrroluria as noted by doctor Klinghardt. But one of the things to correct this is manganese loading because the person’s excess kryptopyrrol excretion in the urine is leaching both zinc...