This is one of the best ways to eliminate toxins in your body! Our new and improved world is constantly filling our body with toxins. In order to stay healthy we have to cleanse our body. This will ensure we stay happy and healthy. For information on Laser Energetic...
Some people say ozone is toxic to your health. The truth is, if you are exposed to high levels it can be an irritant to your lungs. In small amounts this can be a great way to promote health. Keep in mind that ozone is in the air all the time! This means it is a...
Some people might tell you this disease in incurable, but it’s not! There are various natural ways to cure and hide the symptoms of this disease. These symptoms might include: * Chronic muscle pains, spasms, or tightness * Moderate to severe fatigue * Decreased...
We are all used to seeing the iconic red raised bull’s eye rash that follows this disease. For some people this rash may never appear. Another way to identify this is the flu like symptoms that might follow. These can occur from three days up to a month after...
Once when I was quite ill I was told by a friend (who was an M.D.), “Why do you keep doing all that cleansing? There’s nothing wrong with your liver”. The friend gave me this advice with good intentions of course, but it shows a fundamental difference in...
As early as infancy a child can start showing the three major signs: Communication Challenges, Repetitive Behavior, and Impaired Social Interactions. This disease is growing at 14 percent a year, and 20 percent in china. The spectrum disorder is more common than...
We all know that chronic stress can take a toll on our heart. Many doctors will tell you to try and reduce your stress or control it by relaxing, and using other forms of therapy. What many of you don’t know is that laughter is often the best medicine. This...
This isn’t any ordinary charcoal. Many people use this product as a safe and healthy way to whiten their teeth. It’s natural adhesive allows it to bond with stains and plaque to remove them, making your teeth appear whiter. For more...
This is a very common syndrome consisting of, a long-term body-wide tenderness or pain in the joints. This pain might also occur in the muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. The disorder has also been linked to, sleep disorders, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, and...
This is a disease transmitted mainly through ticks. Diagnosing this disease can be tricky! Often it leaves a large bull’s eye rash near the transmission site. In some cases this rash may never appear. Be sure to have yourself tested if you are bitten. For more...