A Balanced View of the Benefits and Precautions of Ozone Therapy
- 10’s of millions of medical ozone blood infusions have been carried out in Germany by physicians in the last 60 years with one of the best safety records of any therapy in existence.
- It is used for cancer, AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis c, migraines, burns, pelvic inflammatory conditions, and an almost endless list of other health problems.
- Ozone therapy is used in practically every hospital in Russia after their scientists did the research validating how effective it is.
- Ozone has proven benefits to immune function, it can help increase the oxygen metabolism, kills ALL microscopic organisms that it comes in contact with, and helps your body detoxify.
- And here is the kicker……you will very likely never, ever see ozone used in mainstream American hospitals and clinics regardless of its many proven benefits!! Why? Because it is too cheap and cannot be patented!
If you can’t patent it, you can’t control the money flow.
Contrary to what some may believe, American hospitals, and especially drug companies, aren’t furrowing their brows each day trying to figure out how to provide less expensive, affordable health care for us everyday Americans. They are looking at how they can inflate the price of healthcare more and more, and they have done so quite effectively. American healthcare cost increases have drastically outpaced the inflation of goods and services, while the quality of care received in this country ranks well below most of the developed world.
For instance, Myth: ozone is a toxic pollutant and is dangerous to your health.
Truth: ozone inhaled at certain levels can be an irritant to your lungs. It is in smog, but the amount in smog is actually pretty small. Ozone is a natural part of the atmosphere. There are small amounts of ozone in every breath you take, especially in a natural wilderness area. You can especially smell it after a rain. That same ozone that is a natural part of the air accumulates at the ground level when hydrocarbon smog gets bad in cities. This smog is from motor vehicles and factory pollution, and it is toxic and can contain over 200 chemical pollutants.
In reality, ozone is not inherently harmful. It is used to promote health throughout the world.
- Make sure that the room you designate for the ozone therapy is well ventilated. Open the windows. If there is no breeze, stick a fan in the window.
- Never, ever take a breath directly from the tubing that the pure ozone is coming out of. If so you will cough for quite some time. Other than lung irritation this unfortunate experience will have no real systemic affect on your health. Not enough ozone will go past your lungs to have much systemic affect. All the ozone will immediately oxidize on the lung alveoli (thus causing the coughing and irritation). This is why ozone therapy is not done through the lungs. To get healing amounts of pure ozone into the body, you have to use venous infusion methods, or via the skin (bagging or sauna), or rectally, or vaginally. Never attempt these without some knowledge or skill.
- Ozone therapy should not be done in a room with electronics. Ozone is a powerful, oxidizing form of oxygen. Over time, it can damage electronic equipment in a room, especially if the aforementioned ventilation is inadequate. Keep the therapy room closed and windows open. If you have no windows, install a ventilation fan.
All wishing to schedule an appointment with Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC. (Jack Miller) are required to become members of Desert Paths Natural Wellness Association. To become a member, please go here: DPNWA.org
Jack Miller CTN does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment through this Website. The purpose of this digital publication is to explore current research and discussions of holistic natural therapies and healthy lifestyle factors that are typically not discussed in the realm of modern allopathic medicine. The content of this Digital Publication, such as text, graphics, images, and other material has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this digital publication. If you schedule an appointment with Jack Miller you will be given natural therapies and supplements to support your healing, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment.