
- Multiple chronic infections that cause chronic “Flulike” muscle aches from immune cytokine activation. In other words just as your muscles ache when you have the flu, they ache from chronic infections that come and never go away. This can include undiagnosed Lyme disease and many other infections, viral, bacterial, parasitic, etc.
- Immune system deficiencies and over activity due to above and other causes.
- Underlying chemical and heavy metal accumulation and toxicity often due to genetic and other deficiencies in detoxification of these inflaming toxins. Typical natural detoxification therapies are inadequate to make much impact here. The toxicity is too great and too entrenched. Most Fibro sufferers who do a “Detox” just make themselves feel sicker and don’t experience the reward that comes when these are done effectively and for long enough.
- There can be underlying hormonal issues and neuro-chemical imbalances along the lines of adrenal and thyroid deficiency. These can contribute to exhaustion, an inverted metabolism (tired in the morning, more energy at night), as well as poor quality Delta regenerative sleep.
- Poor circulation of blood and lymph made worse by inactivity.
- Damaged and dysfunctional mitochondria that can’t produce enough energy and that themselves create more metabolic toxins to further poison the muscles. Just like lactic acid from vigorous exercise causes athletes to have muscle pain. In the case of Fibro it never goes away.
- Liver, kidney, lymphatic, spleen and bowel stagnation. Basically all the organs of elimination are going too slow and are backlogged.
- Intestinal Dysbiosis. Too many toxin producing microbes in the gut. Not enough good microbes. Typical probiotic supplements don’t fix this as it is too severe.
- Chronic, entrenched, biotoxin accumulation from the multiple chronic infections that the immune system cannot clean up. Pair this with the sluggish detox organs and it is a recipe for having biotoxins jammed into every available space of microscopic real estate in the body: Visceral organs, brain and spinal cord, lymphatic system, interstitial fluid………. Starting to see why you don’t feel good?

All wishing to schedule an appointment with Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC. (Jack Miller) are required to become members of Desert Paths Natural Wellness Association. To become a member, please go here:
Jack Miller CTN does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment through this Website. The purpose of this digital publication is to explore current research and discussions of holistic natural therapies and healthy lifestyle factors that are typically not discussed in the realm of modern allopathic medicine. The content of this Digital Publication, such as text, graphics, images, and other material has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this digital publication. If you schedule an appointment with Jack Miller you will be given natural therapies and supplements to support your healing, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment.