Promoting Heart Health for Ourselves and Those We Love

Cholesterol: Evil villain or just a bystander that didn’t call the cops?
Cholesterol has become a superstar in the public eye as a “cause” of heart disease. Is it? While there can be no doubt that LDL cholesterol is a component of sclerotic deposits in arteries, was it the root cause or just a band aid that your body stuck onto damaged and inflamed arterial linings. One reason that cholesterol has gained such fame is that statin drugs have become highly profitable meds. Based on revised standards of what is an acceptable level of cholesterol in the body, a good portion of the adult population should be taking these! Yet some research has actually shown that statins reduce overall lifespan. Yes….. really! Sort of defeating the purpose, huh?Maintaining a Healthy Heart
First and foremost is diet. When it comes to stopping the dangerous process of widespread inflammation of the lining of the arteries and gradual hardening or blockage of these with atherosclerotic deposits, only dietary change can truly stop and in many cases reverse this. Based on preferences, metabolic type, blood type, and other factors, we direct clients toward well established and well researched diet books that have been proven to reverse heart disease. In the meantime, if you have not done so, please click here to download my free e-book “My Optimal Healing Diet” for some basic recommendations.

- Lysine.
- Vitamin C.
- Systemic enzyme therapy. (Natural enzymes taken on an empty stomach that go into the blood circulation and can exert a dissolving effect.)
- Liposomal bound EDTA. For many years people have chosen IV chelation of EDTA to reduce blockage of arteries. This involved a weekly trip to sit in a chair and have the EDTA infused with a slow drip. The reason for this is the EDTA is thought to unblock arteries by binding with calcium that is a part of arterial plaque. Once the calcium is chelated from the plaque it falls apart and begins to dissolve. This is the principle. The reason it was done IV was that EDTA is poorly absorbed orally, but now there is a new form. The liposomal EDTA oral supplement is EDTA bound up inside of tiny microscopic droplets of phospholipids. These are readily absorbed through the intestinal tract and then broken down in the liver. Now the EDTA is released into the blood circulation. This allows people to swallow 1 or 2 ounces of this solution once weekly and gain some of the benefits formerly gained from a weekly IV at significantly reduced cost.
Blood Thinning
- Aged garlic.
- High quality fish oil.
- Vitamin E including tocotrienols.
- Systemic enzymes including fibrinolytic enzymes like Nattokinase. (Google the term “fibrin” and look at the images.) This is a normal component of blood and blood clots. Too much can increase risk of clotting. Certain enzymes like Nattokinase dissolve fibrin.
- Proper hydration is a must. Dehydration thickens the blood. A surprising number of health issues can be improved just by drinking adequate amounts of good water.
- Rauwolfia
- Magnesium
- Special attention to sodium potassium balance in ones diet. Less Sodium, more potassium.
- Any and all natural vasodilators including L-Arginine, niacin, etc. When you dilate and relax blood vessels the heart can profuse tissues without as much effort and blood pressure comes down.
Heart Mitochondrial Support
In cases of heart failure and weakness, it is crucial to stimulate and support the function of the many mitochondria in heart muscle. Heart muscle on average produces about 50 times more mitochondrial energy than our skeletal muscles. The heart is therefore more sensitive to loss of any nutrients key to this function.
- Reduced CoQ10.
- L-Carnitine.
- D-Ribose.
- Magnesium.
- B-Vitamins.
- Homeopathic KREBS cycle nutrients.
- Aged Garlic.
- Gugulipids- an Ayurvedic herbal product.
- Any and all supplements or bitter herbs that stimulate the dumping of more cholesterol laden bile through the liver/gallbladder/common bile duct pathway.
- Any and all fiber type supplements that bind cholesterol in the gut and prevent the reabsorbing of it through the intestine back into circulation. After all, this is the natural way the body eliminates cholesterol so why not support it?
A commonly neglected issue of heart health is heavy metal poisoning of the heart itself and so toxic metal detoxification can be useful in some cases.
All wishing to schedule an appointment with Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC. (Jack Miller) are required to become members of Desert Paths Natural Wellness Association. To become a member, please go here:
Jack Miller CTN does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment through this Website. The purpose of this digital publication is to explore current research and discussions of holistic natural therapies and healthy lifestyle factors that are typically not discussed in the realm of modern allopathic medicine. The content of this Digital Publication, such as text, graphics, images, and other material has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this digital publication. If you schedule an appointment with Jack Miller you will be given natural therapies and supplements to support your healing, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment.