Heavy Metal Poisoning
Heavy metals: an ever increasing threat in our modern world
Heavy metal poisoning: ever heard of it? You probably have heard little about it if you get most of your info from the main stream media. It’s true that some news reports do air on the subject, but overall this subject is ignored in favor of updates on the latest celebrity sex tape. This is unfortunate. There can be no doubt in the eyes of anyone informed on this subject that the gradual poisoning of people living in America with toxic metals is a serious and sometimes devastating problem.

Getting sicker quicker because of toxic heavy metals
Basically, human beings living in industrialized countries are absorbing a much greater diversity and concentration of toxic metals into their bodies than ever before. This is one of the issues making people of our generation sicker than our previously healthy and robust grandparents and great grandparents. As mentioned, once heavy metals are introduced into the environment, they don’t go away. They just keep getting recycled in our environment and our bodies in increasing amounts. The simple truth is that to protect your health and your family’s health you need to learn how to avoid cumulative heavy metal poisoning.
Toxic metals like the ones mentioned above wreck health in more ways than I could begin to discuss here. They do so primarily by destroying enzymes in the body. Enzymes are the work force in the body. Toxic metals often times displace healthful minerals like zinc, selenium, calcium in the enzymes, thus “killing” the enzymes for all practical purposes. By damaging so many enzymes and throwing a monkey wrench in normal biochemistry, heavy metals can cause or contribute to just about any diagnosed disease. They are linked with cancer, degenerative brain and nerves diseases, headaches, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, severe GI distress, adult mood disorders and suicidal depression, Autism, ADD and ADHD, and many other life damaging conditions. Or they may just cause you to suffer a hodgepodge collection of symptoms that do not fit into any particular diagnosis. (Not yet anyway!)

Heavy metal poisoning: an often unrecognized condition

How to protect yourself
So what can we do? You probably know if you have read previous articles I have written on this subject that I do not believe in living in fear. It runs the gamut from being in dread to the other extreme of completely burying our head in the sand and pretending the problem will go away. Alarming as it may seem, there is a balanced, middle ground approach to this issue. A two-pronged approach is our best bet for both prevention and recovery from heavy metal poisoning.
The first is avoidance! Make sure that you do all that you reasonably can do to avoid the intake of toxic metals in your diet, water, environment, and food (more info forthcoming on that subject.) Keep in mind that there are many foods being sold in the U.S. that we eat daily that would be illegal in other countries due to the amount of toxic metals in them, I.E. canned tuna/mercury content. Even when our regulatory agencies do test and find toxic metals above their stated acceptable levels, the most likely outcome will be inaction. Bottom line: It’s mostly up to you to protect yourself and your family. Natural Health Sciences of Arizona is committed to educating individuals on how to eat healthily, and avoid heavy metals in their diet.
We will be publishing more info on what a low heavy metal diet consists of for now please download my free E-book “My Optimal Healing Diet”

How we get rid of heavy metals
Heavy metals primarily exit your body through the bowel. Toxic metals go through a process called Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification. In this process your liver processes these metals and excretes them in a bound form into the bile to be dumped into the intestine for elimination. This process can fortunately be improved and sped up. Other avenues for toxic metals to exit the body are through chelation therapies or sweating them out. Chelators bind directly to toxic metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury and pull them out into the systemic circulation to be eliminated by the kidneys and urine. There are also ways to increase natural excretion through the skin.
Some of the primary ways that we assist our clients to detoxify cumulative stores of toxic metals are homeopathy combined with laser, and ozone sauna for sweating them out (see Laser Energetic Detoxification, and the Oxygen Therapies pages on this site.) Liposomal glutathione can assist every cell in the body to conjugate and excrete toxic metals.
There is no cookie cutter method to assist toxic metal detoxification that works perfectly for everyone. This is why we spend hours with individual clients before making recommendations for natural health protocols. Heavy metal detoxification often is an important component of these holistic protocols, simply because the modern decline in health so often has this as a root cause.
After the storm: what to do after you recover from heavy metal poisoning
In closing here, I just want to state that I am someone who has both recovered from a diagnosed condition of severe toxic metal poisoning, and who also works as a traditional naturopath practitioner helping others to do so. One word of advice is that you shouldn’t become complacent after getting well. It’s true, getting your health back can be a joyous experience. To wake up every day feeling good and with a feeling of well being that you worked hard to attain can be amazing. But once anyone recovers their health after eliminating toxic metal poisoning, they should never stop doing something for heavy metal elimination. In other words, don‘t stick your victory flag in the ground and go back to a “normal life” as soon as you can. Sure, enjoy the fruit of your labor, but be conscientious of avoiding foods high in toxic metals.
Also follow a strategy of A.B.C.D.E. “Always Be Chelating and Detoxing Everyday.” Once you learn how to do simple and easy detoxification therapies, you will want to do some maintenance after getting well. It’s really not hard, expensive, or time consuming. It can become a daily habit, like brushing your teeth. It can also have profound payoffs for future health.
A future article will show what maintenance detoxification and chelation therapies to prevent heavy metal poisoning might look like for you. Keep in mind that individual biochemistry differs greatly as previously stated. If you became poisoned with heavy metals in the past, it could very well happen again. You have a slow excretion process and very likely this is your basic nature. Respect it. Protect yourself from the dangers of our modern toxic world.
All wishing to schedule an appointment with Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC. (Jack Miller) are required to become members of Desert Paths Natural Wellness Association. To become a member, please go here: DPNWA.org
Jack Miller CTN does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment through this Website. The purpose of this digital publication is to explore current research and discussions of holistic natural therapies and healthy lifestyle factors that are typically not discussed in the realm of modern allopathic medicine. The content of this Digital Publication, such as text, graphics, images, and other material has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this digital publication. If you schedule an appointment with Jack Miller you will be given natural therapies and supplements to support your healing, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment.