What are the best, and the worst qualities in a doctor? Quite likely, the worst 3 qualities that can be combined are ignorance, arrogance, and cold heartedness. If you, or someone you love, has faced the American medical system with a chronic illness, you have likely bumped into a doctor or other health care worker like that. By contrast, what 3 qualities create excellence in any health care provider? Open-mindedness, ability to understand scientific principles of health, and having a heart for people. With those qualities anyone taking on the healing profession will eventually become good at it, whether they be an M.D., naturopath, chiropractor or other provider.
Jack Miller has 27 years of education, training, teaching, and practice in the field of natural health. He founded Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC, and then later in 2010 began working as a traditional naturopathic practitioner, to introduce people to the variety of valuable natural health methods and modalities available. These were the same modalities that he had used to fully recover from a serious bout with stage 3 (neuro) Lyme disease, and multiple complications. Since that time people seeking health, including individuals from 23 U.S. states, (as of October 2019) as well as Mexico, Canada, Europe, and the middle East have traveled to see Jack and his staff at their 2 primary NHS offices in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada.
by phone, or in person in our Las Vegas office by calling
or emailing us at office@jackmillernd.com